Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who Else?

After our trip to Michigan, we had the blessing of having my mom come down with us to Virginia to spend 12 days. We had such an awesome time together and being together made me realize there are certain spaces that only a mom can fill, things only a mom would do. These things are incredible gifts. Here are just a few of them...

-Who else but a mom would spend hours with a Q-tip and bleach to clean up bagfuls of baby clothes she saved from when you were small? Who else would help you hang the same quilt your grandmother made for you in your baby's room?

-Who else but a mom would finally convince you to get a deep freezer and then would proceed to help you stock it with this crazy project, veggies, AND stuffed peppers?

-Who else but a mom would scour garage sales, thrift stores, and websites for her grandbaby-to-be and not get bored?

-Who else but a mom would let you try out your new sorta-vegan lifestyle by holding soy dogs over coals at a picnic shelter in the rain (true story) and not complain?!

-Who else but a mom will still take you to the zoo (and document it), even when you're 25?

-Who else but a mom would clean your kitchen cabinets and wipe fingerprints and smudges off all of your walls while you lie on the couch with a stomachache?

-Who else but a mom would wait and wait for butterfly baby kicks like they were treasures?

-Who else but a mom would still offer grace and forgiveness, even when her daughter is impatient, quick to judge, and slow to understand what moms truly give for their children?

-Who else but a mom does a girl miss the most when she is going to become a mom herself?

I love you, mom, and I am so thankful to God for this special summer with you.

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