Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On Feeding Ourselves...

I think I finally figured out why teachers and parents and pastors and people trying to disciple others are tempted to just do things for the people they love. It's easier and more comfortable and cleaner and doesn't "waste" time or energy or resources.

Let's face it...when people are trying to learn how to feed themselves it sometimes looks like this:

It might even look like this:

But the truth I'm learning is that people've gotta learn. We can't stay babies forever...or keep others that way. Life is not sanitary. Clean up is inevitable. Practice means mistakes and mess. Letting others learn may mean their face and our hands get dirty.

But lest we forget:  there is joy when we let go of control...for everyone involved.

At least until mommy has to aspirate prunes from someone's nose :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


It's when you fall asleep like this:

after whirring wheels fix your face

where it faced mine for blocks,

that I know less of fixing it all,

more of fixing our eyes on

the loved All who'll lead us, loved,
