Thursday, May 24, 2012

His Eye is On the Sparrow...

As I backed out of the driveway, the faded garden flag that Sylvia (my mother-in-law) had gotten for me last year caught my eye. I could barely make out the words, "His eye is on the sparrow..." over the towering green mint we had tried to pull up last year. What a nice reminder, I casually thought.

I drove down the street and started humming the song, Why do I feel discouraged? Why do the shadows fall? Why does my heart feel lonely and long for heav'n and home. When Jesus is my portion, my constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. 

All of the sudden, the song hit me sweetly and deeply. His eye is on the SPARROW, and I know he watches ME. We had known for about a week that I was pregnant, and I had been struggling with anxiety over my health. I was fearful for this tiny new life and my body, still challenged by inflammation from the winter, seemed out of control. God spoke powerfully to me in the car that day. He promised he would care for our baby, the sparrow, whom he would not let fall without him knowing it. Even more amazing though, he was watching ME, caring for my uncertainty, my feelings of vunerability, and my well-being. I struggle sometimes with believing that God cares for me, so these words were deep comfort for my heart.That week we bought a sparrow bracelet, a daily reminder I wear that God sees and cares for each step that we take.

I'll be twelve weeks pregnant on Monday, and we are crazy grateful that God has sustained us through one trimester already. We anticipate our little "sparrow" arriving December 10th!

Today was my first real exam, and again, I was nervous. I have known enough friends to know that sometimes God sees us in pain, not only in joy. However, God gave us an incredible gift. We listened to our baby's heartbeat, fast as a bird's and strong (165 beats a minute!). It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. To celebrate, we stopped by Bruster's for some ice cream. A group of sparrows hopped by our feet. And I know He watches me.


  1. Welcome to the blog world friend! You write beautifully. I have been praying for your baby constantly. Scott and I are incredibly excited about what the next six months hold, so I can only imagine where you are. Congratulations Weavers!

  2. Blessings- looking forward to reading more.
