Wednesday, January 30, 2013


We've been spending a lot of time on the floor lately. 

As Elisa approaches her two-month "birthday" on Saturday, she is becoming more alert, engaging, and aware of her world. She loves to play on her blankets, tracking with her eyes as I hold toys above her head, kicking her legs as we listen to songs, and "chatting" with me in coos and big smiles. 

My heart melts each time she tries something new for the first time. My definitely-over-informed-mama mind silently checks off milestones, glad of what I can report at her next well-baby check up. 

All this talk of milestones has really got me heart-wondering lately. Why is it that so many mama minds are filled with what their babies can, can't, and need to do if they want concrete evidence that their parenting is lined up with best child development practices? Yes, I know a lot of it is wanting to know our babies are healthy and on-track, but I think there's something more.Why do I do what I do with, hope what I hope for Elisa?  

I've read the books, and I'm their type of customer. The books say, "bicycle her legs to the music to develop a sense of rhythm." I bicycle her legs. The books say, "vary her perspective of the room, her toys to develop her visual skills and to create pathways in her brain." I wander around the house, narrating new views.

The other day as I worked on her balance and coordination to "The Wheels on the Bus," I was struck with a thought. Why do I want her to have a great sense of rhythm? Why do I want her to have a stellar mind? Why do I dress her beautifully and share pictures with family and friends?

If I'm honest with myself, I do much of what I do because I want my baby girl to be the best (dare I say, to be advanced?) I want to swell with pride as she walks gracefully across the stage to get her magna cum laude diploma asI listen to people comment on what a pretty girl she is. I am capable of being deceived. I am capable of wanting her, wanting me to get the glory, and God has been whispering to me that there is a better way. 

Jesus says there's nothing greater than loving God and loving your neighbor. Period. When I let that truth soak in, the love passage in 1 Corinthians slips into my spirit like water over remembering rocks:

If my daughter has a vocabulary worthy of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, but she does not have love, she is only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If she has the the gift of poetry or athletic prowess or artistic talent, but she does not love, she is nothing.

If she volunteers with the needy, takes mission trips to Haiti that I may boast, but does not have love, she will gain nothing.

Helping my baby girl meet milestones only matters to the degree that the reason why I am doing it is to help her love God and love others. 

I want her to have a sense of rhythm, so she can sing and dance before God unselfconsciously.

I want her to smile and laugh and engage others, so she can share the love and joy of Jesus freely.

I want her mind to be full of healthy connections, so that she can grapple with tough questions, come up with tough solutions that will help grow God's kingdom here on earth.

I want to dress her in pretty clothes and watch her grow, so that she can walk as a testimony to a creative God who redeems, restores, and treasures beauty.

Any other motivations will lead me to getting glory for me or for her. Like Jesus said to the Pharisees who wanted others to ooh and ahh over their piety, God will surely give us our reward and it. will. not. last. or. give life. or. matter. 

I will continue bicycling sweet Elisa's legs. I will keep holding up new toys, introducing new sounds, sharing favorite stories, and passing her around to new faces. However, my prayer is that I will hold His glory in my mind always. 

As Elisa gets bigger each day and week, I can think of no better milestone for my precious girl than the one that was shared about Jesus in Luke 2:52:

And Jesus matured, growing up in both body and spirit, blessed by both God and people. (MSG)

Amen. Yes, please.

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